P: 053 912 1374 | M: 087 2557 448

Our Services

Frank Ryan Financial Services offers a service tailored to your exact Financial Needs, including but advice on Life Insurance, Income Protection, Pensions and Investments.

As your Financial Advisor, Frank Ryan Financial Services can offer advice on all aspects of financial planning to include, Mortgage Protection, Life & Critical Illness Cover, Post & Pre Retirement Pensions, Investments and Savings.


We have over 20 years experience in providing expert financial advice. We are based in Wexford and can travel extensively to respond to the needs of our customers nationwide.


Frank Ryan Financial Services specialise in financial services and provide a comprehensive financial planning & financial management service to our clients.

We are committed to providing an unrivalled level of professional customer care and service to our clients. We provide specialist financial advice tailored to your specific needs and requirements.

What We Do

Frank Ryan Financial Services purpose is to make a positive difference to the financial well-being of the people we advise, by helping them plan for their financial future and to protect themselves against the inevitability of death, possible disability, and ensure you have the capacity and financial means to enjoy your retirement.

Frank Ryan Financial Services aim is to provide bespoke and personalised solutions that cater for each person’s unique requirements. We will help to prioritise your financial objectives with our willingness to spend as much time as each individual requires. We offer a personal touch that allows us to find the best match to fulfil your plans and objectives

frank ryan financial services_frank has you covered
frank ryan financial services_Special Offer

Life Cover Plan

Plan A 

 €10.12    per month

20   year term


  €100,000    Life Cover

Single Life Cover, non smoker, age 35.


This quote is valid for today only and is not an offer of contract. This quote is subject to normal underwriting conditions.

Life Cover Plan

Plan B 

 €23.72    per month

20   year term


  €200,000    Life Cover

Single Life Cover, non smoker, age 40.


This quote is valid for today only and is not an offer of contract. This quote is subject to normal underwriting conditions.

Life Cover Plan

Plan C

 €28.58    per month

20   year term


  €50,000    Life Cover

Single Life Cover, non smoker, age 55.


This quote is valid for today only and is not an offer of contract. This quote is subject to normal underwriting conditions.

Talk to us Today to see what We can do for You